This is one of the cool tricks which can be done to get the password:-
I have described this procedure using chrome:-
1. Open browser console by pressing F12 or Ctrl + Shift + j
2. Click the Network tab in the Console panel
3. Now Tick the preserve log option in the network tab.
4. Pull down the console a little if your friend asks what this then just simply tell him it's advanced settings option. Now offer your laptop to him
so that he could login in into the website.
5. After he is over with his work. Don't let him close the window. Now pull up the console and bring focus to it. Press Ctrl + F and type login.You will see a request of login.php click on that request. Select the Header Tab. Scroll Down to find the entry Email and pass in the Form Data option.
There you go. You can clearly see the password.
For Gmail you will the get the request name as ServiceLoginAuth and fields are Email and Passwd.